Even if House Rep Candidate Doesn’t Like Bigfoot Erotica, Many Do

Rolling Stone explores the hairy phenomenon.

One man's hunt for Bigfoot lives on. (Getty)
Getty Images

Unless you live in or near Virginia, U.S. House Representative candidate Denver Riggleman was likely a stranger to you until this weekend, when his Democratic opponent, Leslie Cockburn, publicly accused him of being being “exposed as a devotee of Bigfoot erotica.”

Publishing screenshots from Riggleman’s Instagram page that detail his self-published works (including the forthcoming Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him), Cockburn also slammed Riggleman for fraternizing with Isaac Smith, the head of the white nationalist group Unity & Security for America. That last bit of information has fallen by the news cycle’s wayside, given how egregious the other charge is. Riggleman told the media that the accusations are “absurd,” but whether or not that’s true, Rolling Stone did the dirty work of delving into the world of Bigfoot erotica, what that actually means and who is consuming it.

“…Bigfoot erotica is no joke. Tawdry tales of Sasquatch sex have been around for a long time — online, in print, and in old-fashioned porn,” Amelia McDonell-Parry writes. “Bigfoot erotica has flourished on the Internet in recent years: author Virginia Wade was inspired to write her 16-installment series…after noticing that “the ultimate alpha male,” as she described the hirsute hunk, had yet to be fully explored in erotic writing, despite the popularity of Cryptozoological porn, which features sex with mythical creatures like leprechauns and minotaurs.”

At one point, Wade was raking in $30,000 a month through Kindle Direct Publishing. If Riggleman really is into Bigfoot erotica, he at least won’t be alone.

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