Put Chewbacca Singing ‘Silent Night’ on Repeat From Now Until Xmas

The voice of a damn angel, I tell you!

By The Editors
December 22, 2016 9:00 am EST

Other than pornography, there might not be anything the internet loves more than Chewbacca.

In the same year that “Chewbacca Mom” became the top viral video of the year — and scored a TLC show as part of the deal — another Chewy-themed video, this one a musical, is sweeping the web.

Originally pieced together in 1999 from whatever clips audio creator Scott Andersen could find on the internet at the time, “Chewbacca Sings Silent Night” was recorded with a Yamaha keyboard and some basic editing software, and was meant to be a joke for a few co-workers.

Now, it’s quickly becoming the soundtrack for what’s shaping up to be a wookie little Christmas.

Rrrrrrr-ghghgho, Rrrrrrr-ghghgho, Rrrrrrr-ghghgho …


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