Between Godzilla trampling the Embarcadero and Dwayne Johnson shooting his latest natural disaster around town, it seems Hollywood’s trying to tell us something.
Something like “Ride ye electric unicycles while ye may.”
Because the end is coming. Here’s how to prepare: the disaster ready Go Bag, taking orders now.
Inside: all the survival and (thank you) hygiene supplies you’ll need for up to three days of service collapse pandemonium.
Firestarting. Water purification. Wound dressing. All of that. Plus a manual for using it all and, you know, surviving.
Every component was selected under the guidance of experienced disaster responders with a heavy focus on what you’ll actually use and not just what’ll fill a box.
Then there’s the bag itself: thin for easy storage with shoulder straps for easy carry — whole thing folds open like a mat for fast and efficient access to what you need, when you need it.
Because a Kaiju attack is no time for fiddling with pockets.
Thanks Hollywood. We’ve got it from here.
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