The Drive-In Date Is Alive, Well and Closer Than You Think

Atomic Blonde under the stars, anyone?

August 16, 2017 9:00 am EDT

You, her, a movie and the stars.

The drive-in date is different: Romantic. Nostalgic. And in this day and age, fairly difficult to find.

But gas up your ride (or rent one on demand), because we found one.

And we’ve got a foolproof plan to pair with it, from the fit to the fare to the packing list.

Summer or not, the night air is bound to have a chill. Be prepared. And for the heck of it, pay some homage to the Grease and Outsiders days when drive-ins reigned supreme. With: MTailor, who just expanded their custom-fitting service to jeans. Everything is measured via an app on your phone and then delivered to your door. And it only seems fitting to top it off with a classic leather jacket — the style equivalent to a man’s best friend.

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To be clear, most drive-ins have theater eats. But if you want to step up the game from popcorn and soggy fries — which you should — pack a basket. Perfect Picnic NYC and Chelsea Market Baskets both offer pre-made-to-order solutions that are simple but sophisticated. Don’t forget the blanket for the spread.

There are actually loads of drive-ins within reasonable driving distance of NYC, including the Overlook, Hyde Park, Shankweiler’s and Becky’s. Please note: most locales don’t announce their weekend lineup until Wednesday or Thursday. But our top pick is the Warwick about an hour and ten leaving from Midtown. They offer double features and have three different screen options, which helps if you’re trying to see anything other than the new Minions movie (there’s one of those right now, right?). To boot, if you’re up for heading out early, the town itself is quite charming, starting with Warwick Winery — to enjoy once you get back home, of course.



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