Training Day

By The Editors
July 15, 2013 9:00 am EDT

Finding a good gym in San Francisco presents a challenge: too generic, you find yourself in a soulless chain that smells of musk and geriatrics; too specialized, you find yourself meekly waiting for your turn on the Swedish stability ball.

There is a third way. It’s called Studiomix on Van Ness.

Studiomix is a 30,000-square-foot weight-scape that contains every conceivable workout tool: three-story rock-climbing wall, TRX straps, heavy bags – even ye’ old kettlebells and ellipticals.

An indie concern, Studiomix was founded on the idea that, even in SF’s cramped warrens, you can find an array of workout novelties under one roof.

To wit: there are 34 bikes, ellipticals, the aforementioned free weights and an enormous yoga studio, so you can spread your all-natural-fiber mat in peace.

There’s even a sauna and steam room, plus on-site massage staff who specialize in everything from Thai rubdowns to that thing involving crystals you probably shouldn’t admit to knowing about.

The spacious luxury and variety comes at a price that’s comparable to the chains — $135 monthly plus $75 enrollment — but you’ll be getting everything under one roof.

Except the parking. Which is underground, validated and easy to find.

Nota bene: Tell ’em InsideHook sent you for a discounted trial month ($99).



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