Elon Musk

Tesla Reportedly Scraps Its PR Department

"We no longer have a PR Team," said one source at Tesla

The Model S Plaid Is Now the Most Expensive Tesla

Do you really need a car that goes 0 to 60 in under two seconds?

Did Elon Musk Just Make the Case for a Green New Deal?

At Tesla’s Battery Day event, the biggest claim was between the lines

Elon Musk: Bill Gates “Has No Clue” About Electric Trucks

A week before Tesla's Batter Day, Musk is pulling no punches

Study Suggests CEOs With Boring Names Are Boring Leaders

When it comes to creativity, the Bills and Bobs of the boardroom have nothing on the Elon Musks

In Bosnia, This Guy Created His Own Version of the Cybertruck

A similar design, but a different kind of fuel

Elon Musk on First SpaceX Mars Settlers: “Good Chance You’ll Die”

Would you be a human guinea pig for the chance to go to Mars?

Tesla Stock Split Makes Elon Musk World's Third-Richest Person

He's now slightly more absurdly rich than Mark Zuckerberg

Analyst: Tesla’s Ride-Sharing App Could Beat Uber and Lyft

Elon Musk promised robotaxis, but there’s potential for something less futuristic

The Controversy Over Tesla Autopilot, Explained

Does Elon Musk promise too much with his autonomous driving tech?

Tesla Eyes an Unexpected Milestone: The S&P 500

Elon Musk’s EV company qualified for the stock market index on Wednesday

Elon Musk Very Briefly Endorsed Kanye West for President, Then Changed His Mind

Unclear if Kanye still wants Elon Musk heading the US space program

Elon Musk's Experimental School Is Opening Up to Children for Online Learning

Astra Nova started as a private operation in a SpaceX factory

How Is Elon Musk's Tesla the World's Most Valuable Automaker?

The EV company is tiny compared to auto giants like VW and Toyota. What gives?

Tesla Cut Prices, But There’s One Big Caveat

If you’re buying a Model S or Model X, that is

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Italian Government Proposes Rome’s Colosseum for Zuckerberg-Musk Bout

Will the world’s richest person and the world’s richest millennial be gladiators for a day?

Who Will Win the Mark Zuckerberg-Elon Musk Cage Match?

The billionaire bout seems like it might actually happen

Owning an Original Tesla Is Apparently Just Like Owning a Vintage Car

EVs may be the future, but discontinued models like the first Roadster offer a sense of déjà vu

Elon Musk’s Brain Implant Company Neuralink Has Received FDA Approval

Is this the start of a "Black Mirror" episode or life-saving technology?

The Great Tesla Charger Opening Will Begin With Ford

What made the difference? A road trip by Ford’s CEO, apparently.

Is This the Future of Tesla Ads?

Elon Musk, who has said he “hates” advertising, is finally ready to embrace it

Instagram’s Twitter Clone Isn’t a Perfect Solution, But It Has One Advantage

New details have leaked on P92/Barcelona, IG's new text-based app

US Virgin Islands Subpoenaed Elon Musk in Jeffrey Epstein-Related Lawsuit

He isn't the only billionaire being asked for information in the case

French Government Talks EV Economic Incentives With Elon Musk

Could this lead to a larger Tesla presence in Europe?

Who Is Linda Yaccarino, Elon Musk’s Pick to Run Twitter?

Known as the “velvet hammer,” the ad exec could be just what the social media company needs

A Fake Elon Musk Showed Up to a New York Launch Party

The event promised an appearance by the Twitter and Tesla CEO, but the 120 attendees later realized they had been duped by an impersonator

Tesla's Most Important New Project Is Not a Vehicle

On Monday, Elon Musk's EV company broke ground on a Texas facility that will make them unique among American automakers

Twitter’s Next Big Change Could Benefit Media Publishers

According to Elon Musk, another consequential new feature will be in place sometime in May

Elon Musk Visited “Real Time” To Talk AI and Social Media

A longer interview segment than usual got interesting near the end

Twitter's Shift to Paid Blue Checks Turned Utterly Chaotic

Some celebrities who didn't pay for verification still got verified. It was weird.

Want to Know How Well Twitter Is Doing? Don’t Rely on Elon Musk.

The CEO has a reputation for distorting the truth and being his own hype man