Most folks publish their best of lists in December, once the year has been spent. But Outside Magazine just released its best adventure photography of 2017 now, in June.
And they are not kidding. Maybe it’s because they’ve documented so many baller adventures.
Like Charlie Munsey’s photo of Will Pruett paddling down a Class V rapid in the frigid Little White Salmon River.
Or Micky Wiswedel’s snap of Matt Bush standing shear against a granite wall 300 feet above Cape Town.
There’s also Ismael Ibañez Ruiz’s vibrant image of David Cochon bunny-hopping a green roof.
Those are our three favorites, anyway. All in there are 12 images to flip through, each with a little story to tell. All are brilliant and will fill you with the desire to get out there.
Main image credit: Jason Hummel
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