In Lieu of Chairlift, Use Drone

Casey Neistat just reinvented snowboarding.

December 21, 2016 9:00 am


Sometimes, a title says it all.

Social media stalwart/entrepreneur Casey Neistat just released a video of himself using a jerry-rigged drone to literally fly up a ski mountain in Finland.

“No one in the world sells a drone that can lift a  human being … so we built our own,” notes the video’s intro.

Neistat, dressed as Santa and piloting a snowboard, then grabs a line attached to a gigantic drone bathed in Christmas-y green and red lights. From there, we see him ride up a steep hill, shuttle through town and finally fly over a building and into the sky.

The video was filmed with cooperation from Samsung and utilizes that company’s Gear 360 video cameras.

And if it’s fake? Well, that’s like telling us there’s no Santa.

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