The Avengers series, the most lucrative movie franchise ever will wrap up with a two-part extravaganza: Infinity Wars and Avengers, coming May 2019. The 18 movies that proceeded Infinity Wars were a risky feat unto themselves, writes The New York Times because each movie had to lead into the next, and events in previous episodes had effects on movies two or three down the line. But in Infinity Wars and then later in Avengers, the Russo brothers not only need to seamlessly incorporate dozens of characters, but also make sure each character arc comes to a satisfying conclusion. Many of the films in the series — Captain America, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy — revitalized the careers of actors like Robert Downey Jr. (who plays billionaire Tony Stark/Iron Man) and raised the profile of previously-unknown actors like Chris Evans (Captain America). The studio also built a ravenous fan base for each new character it introduced. Black Panther made $1.3 billion in the global box office when it was released in February.
But now Marvel wants to clear the way for something new. “Telling a great story requires a great ending,” Kevin Feige, the Marvel Studios president, said to The Times. “When you dedicate yourself to that, it shifts the way you think.
None of this would have been possible without the Russo brothers, Marvel’s constant and most recognized filmmakers. Anthony and Joe Russo went from indie-cinema oddballs to TV comedy moguls to directors of possibly the biggest franchise in movie history, according to The Times.
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