A new genre of fake celebrity porn was created last year when a video popped up on Reddit that appeared to show Gal Gadot having sex with a man playing her stepbrother. Though it was fake, it looked uncannily real. People are now calling this genre “deepfakes” and the videos are changing how big companies like Reddit, Twitter, and even Pornhub handle X-rated content, writes Esquire. Deepfakes use AI technology to paste a celebrity face onto a different body. The term was coined by a Reddit user, who started posting pornographic celebrity videos using this face-swapping technology including Gadot, Scarlett Johansson, Aubrey Plaza and Taylor Swift. The creator told Motherboard that he trained an algorithm to track Gadot’s face and expressions at different angles through photos and videos. Then it manipulated pornographic videos, so they switched in her face on top of the actor’s. Pornographic deepfakes are nonconsensual and “deeply gross,” writes Esquire. It is similar to revenge porn or hacked celebrity nude, so Reddit, Twitter and Pornhub has all announced measures to wipe explicit deepfakes from their platforms.
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