All dressed up and too many places to go. Two of the summer’s hottest parties will be held continents apart next weekend, leaving “the allegiances of some top socialites, stars and fashionistas torn,” according to the New York Post‘s Page Six gossip column.
Vogue editor Anna Wintour will host a wedding for her daughter, Bee Shaffer, and photographer Francesco Carrozzini at her Long Island home on July 7.
On the same day, party planner Bronson van Wyck will celebrate his birthday with a “Homeric Ball” on the island of Mykonos in Greece. It’s unclear who is expected at the event held by an organizer who has planned over the top soirees for the likes of Madonna and Beyonce, but the invitations demand costumes in the categories of “Greeks & Trojans,” “Amazons & Argives,” “Mad Max Maenads,” or “Birthday Suits.” Fortunately for paparazzi, model Emily Ratajowski has been spotted nearby.
“Meanwhile, those who didn’t land invites to either of the shindigs might consider trying to nab one to Lindsay Lohan’s upcoming birthday,” wrote Page Six. “We hear that guests including Dina Lohan and Jill Zarin will head to Lohan’s new Mykonos beach club to celebrate the star’s 32nd birthday.”
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