Medical professionals are sharing what it’s like to treat the victims of American gun violence through gruesome social media pictures of themselves covered in their patients’ blood.
The tweets are in response to a recent statement by the National Rifle Association that said doctors who advocate for stricter gun legislation and reform should “stay in their lane.”
To the @NRA, this is what it looks like to stay in #mylane. We will not be silent about the toll of #gunviolence. I speak out for this patient, for their parents who will never be the same, for every person who came after this one and didn’t have to #thisiseveryoneslane
— Kristin Gee, MD (@kmgee9) November 10, 2018
“Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane,” the NRA tweeted last week — the same week a gunman opened fire inside a California bar, killing 12 — in response to a paper with suggestions for addressing gun violence published by the American College of Physicians, BuzzFeed News reported.
But instead of tampering the outrage expressed by doctors across the country, the NRA’s tweet inspired a flurry of bloody responses showing the unedited horrors of gun violence.
“Do you have any idea how many bullets I pull out of corpses weekly? This isn’t just my lane,” Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist, responded on Twitter. “It’s my f-cking highway.”
Good morning! Just a reminder @NRA : #ThisISMyLane #ThisISOurLane . She didn’t make it.
— Stephanie Bonne (@scrubbedin) November 10, 2018
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