If you’re over the age of 35, you’ve probably resolved to eat better in 2018.
Of course, in L.A. that means something different to everyone: ketogenic, plant-based, caveman.
But no matter your diet of choice, there’s one common denominator: making a tasty, reasonably priced meal is time-consuming.
Enter Chef Marc Salonsky, a French-trained toque and nutritionist who’s worked alongside Daniel Boulud, Michel Rostang and Guy Savoy.
I discovered Chef Marc (and his namesake meal-prep business) through a reader who was training for a triathlon and needed a reliable, time-saving meal plan to aid his training.
Intrigued by the recommendation, I decided to give Marc a go. I exercise six days a week and eat a mostly plant-based diet, which is surprisingly tough to accommodate when you’re pressed for time.
The dinner he prepared me included quinoa and veggies, which I could’ve made myself but was happy to find already prepared when I got home. Lunch was a superb lentil salad that I couldn’t have found in a deli case. I also tried his paleo cuisine: for breakfast this consisted of a sweet potato and fried egg. Sweet potato is a superfood, but cooking them takes ages; having one ready with an egg on top proved a major efficiency hack.
There are several things that separate Chef Marc from a Blue Apron or a Kore Kitchen.
First and foremost, the meals are tailored to your needs. Second, the portions are man-sized but not Middle America-sized. Third, he’s a damn good chef. All the meals were delicious. They come every other day and are easy to nuke, though if you have the time, baking can be best.
If you’re looking to upgrade your performance in 2018, this would be a prudent first step.
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