
About That Time Uber Paid Off Hackers to Conceal a Major Data Breach

The app is facing several potential class-action lawsuits

MIT-Designed E-Supercar Is Suspiciously Smart, Devilishly Handsome

The self-healing concept car is basically a battery on wheels

Call It a CEO Coach. Your Own, Personal CEO Coach.

Got 10 minutes? Because that’s how long these courses are.

Here’s a Drone, Serving a Cocktail

Does this mean we have to tip in Bitcoin?

Sony’s AI Dog Won’t Pee on Your Floor, Hopefully

It can learn new tricks. From the Cloud.

If You’re Booking Rewards Travel Without This Plug-In, Stop It

30K speed-reads the fine print; you get upgrades. Easy.

Elon Musk Really Is Building a Giant Tunnel Underneath LA

The Boring Company’s first bore is already 500 feet

The Solution to Harsh Lighting Is These Smart Switches

Instant ambience for whatever you've got planned

Wanna See a Picture of Your Unborn Child?

A new app claims it can profile your kids before they're born

The InsideHook Newsletter.

News, advice and insights for the most interesting person in the room.

This Tiny Benevolent Robot Just Wants to Keep Your Plants Alive

HEXA is an agile, programmable sunlight chaser

Flying Trains Are Either the Best or Worst Idea of All Time

This company wants to bring the Link & Fly to life

Can Toyota’s Hydrogen Ship Really Last for 6 Years at Sea?

Checking in on the world’s first hydrogen ship

Lumen Wants to Bring You Augmented Reality Without the Headset

Here's to a future we can see with our own eyes

Boston Dynamics’ Evil Robot Dog Will Hit Stores as Soon as Next Year

I, for one, welcome my demise at the paws of this little demon

Three VR Arcades Have Arrived in NYC. Here’s What to Expect.

You’re now a pilot, a pirate and … an auto mechanic?

Treat Your Ears to This Archive of Forgotten Tech Sounds

Relive the beautiful noise of modems, typewriters, boomboxes

An Algorithm Is Turning Nude Paintings Into Museum-Worthy Surreal Art

Can't spell ‘artificial intelligence’ without ‘art’

Upside to Toys ‘R’ Us Closing? Discounted Apple Products.

Related: Apparently iPods still exist. And you can buy one.

The ABCs of CES

The 26 coolest gadgets and gizmos that debuted in Vegas

LG’s New Portable 4K Projector Beams a 150-Inch Screen Anywhere

The hardest part? Finding a wall big enough to contain it.