
Leaked Report Details How TikTok Censors Videos

Exploring the connections between the social media app and the Chinese government

China’s Forbidden City Is More Accessible Than Ever

The complex brought in 17 million visitors last year

Russia Is Freeing 100 Whales Held Prisoner In Tiny Pens

Over 100 baby beluga, orcas, and walrus have been held captive.

China Closes Mount Everest Base Camp Due to Trash

An onslaught of tourists has resulted in a growing garbage issue.

When President Nixon Met Chairman Mao

As tensions grow between the U.S. and China, a look back at the nations' historic breakthrough.

You’ll Never Guess Which Countries Are Making the World Greener

China and India "are really good examples of how policy can really make a difference."

Popes and Politics, From Nero to Trump

A history of the Catholic Church's balancing act between religion and the rest of the world.

In This Corner: Donald Trump’s China Trade War Is Not About Trade

Understanding the logic behind Trump's economic and foreign policies.

CIA-Linked Black Cat Squadron Put Chinese Spies in the Sky

From the air, U-2 pilots gathered intel on nuclear facilities on the ground during the Cold War.

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It’s the Fourth of July. Do You Know Where Your Fireworks Came From?

A behind-the-scenes look at the little-known Chinese industry, from Jessi Dragoiu of Phantom Fireworks

Keanu Reeves Movies Removed From Streaming Services in China

His advocacy for Tibet is believed to be responsible

Why Are So Many Olympians Competing With Tape on Their Faces?

KT tape is normally reserved for glutes and calves. Here's how it made it to noses and cheeks.

Is There a Nuclear Power Plant at the Beijing Olympics?

The Big Air Shougang venue is hosting the freestyle skiing and snowboarding competitions at the 2022 Winter Games

Why the Next Big Player in Whisky Might Be China

In the largest spirits market in the world, locally crafted whisky marks a new trend

Peng Shuai Calls Sexual Assault Scandal and Disappearance "Enormous Misunderstanding"

The 36-year-old made the comment during a controlled interview in the presence of a Chinese Olympic official

China Restores “Fight Club” Ending After Censorship Controversy

After social media backlash, Chinese streaming service Tencent Video has changed its mind

Report: Bill for 2022 Beijing Olympics Will Be 10 Times Higher Than Projected

The Winter Olympics may cost China $38.5 billion and make the Beijing Games one of the priciest on record

Lawmakers Probe NBC About China’s Influence on Beijing Olympics Coverage

Republican leaders raised questions about the level of influence the Chinese Communist Party will have on the Games

Australian Open Removes Ban on Peng Shuai T-Shirts

Tennis Australia previously asked fans to remove shirts with the slogan "Where is Peng Shuai?"

Foreign Olympic Athletes Risk Penalties for Speech That Violates Chinese Law

Human rights activists are urging athletes in Beijing to avoid criticizing China because they could be prosecuted

NHL Officially Puts Plan to Send Players to 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics on Ice

The league made its long-rumored decision about skipping the Games public on Wednesday morning

Peng Shuai Tells Chinese-Language Newspaper She Never Said She Was Assaulted

The tennis star called her allegation against an ex-Chinese Communist Party leader a misunderstanding, but concerns about her safety remain

China Threatens "Countermeasures" If US Proceeds With Boycott of Winter Olympics

U.S. government officials wouldn't attend the Games, but American athletes would still compete in China