Karma. There’s no patent for that.
Martin Shkreli — the former hedge fund manager who was once described as the “most hated man in America” for, among other things, raising the price of medications like Daraprim by more than 5,000% — has been going to court. A lot.
Last Friday, he decided to organize a meetup following one of his court appearances.
Things did not go well for the so-called “Pharma Bro.”
Initially, Shkreli was turned down by Henry Street Ale House — which, before you cry censorship, is a small neighborhood bar that claimed it couldn’t handle a spontaneous meetup for a guy who has 150,000 followers on Twitter (and, as an occasional drinker there, I can attest to their small size and low-key atmosphere).
— Henry St. Ale House (@HenryStreetAle) October 14, 2016
From there, he attempted to find a “Republican-friendly bar in Brooklyn,” which is kind of like trying to find a Trump supporter at a mosque. But one bar came through — with a stipulation.
Please be advised our drink prices just increased over 5000%.
— Brooklyn Public (@brooklyn_public) October 14, 2016
Karma is a dish best served on draft.
Main image: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images
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