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Are Contestants on Dating Shows Allowed to Go for Runs?

The most popular form of cardio is nonexistent on "Love Island" and the like

Running Lessons From the Fittest People on the Planet

The Maasai cover ground like no one else. We paid the tribe a visit in Tanzania.

100 Miles in a Day: The Western States in Photos

Adventure photographer Andy Cochrane shoots the infamous ultra

This Is the Right Way to Stretch Before Running

A necessary deep-dive into the static vs. dynamic debate

On Just Signed Zendaya. Here’s Why the Match Makes Sense.

The Swiss label isn't really a running brand anymore — and that's by design

What’s It Like to Run for Nike…While Coaching High Schoolers?

Professional ultrarunner Tyler Green on how he prepares for race day, and helps others do the same

How to Mimic Altitude Training at Sea Level

Professor Grégoire Millet on earning those famous blood-cell benefits — without decamping to 8,000 feet

What Can We Learn From the “Post-Marathon Blues”?

Crossing the finish line can yield an oddly hollow feeling. What does it mean?

How Shoe Engineering Transformed Competitive Running

Carbon fiber technology has played a big part here

The Training Secrets of the New 50-Mile King

Charlie Lawrence can do a lot in five hours. Here's how the ultrarunner set a new world record.

Ready to Try Trail Running? We’ve Got Just the Shoe.

On stuffed its famous Helion foam into the off-road-stomping Cloudsurfer Trail

Adventure Racer Shares the Real Story Behind “Arthur the King”

Mikael Lindnord recounts the time a dog joined him on a grueling six-day race in Ecuador, which inspired the new movie

An Alternative Way to Keep a Running Streak Going

Don't fret a missed day. We prefer to monitor weekly mileage.