Josh Sims

Josh Sims is a freelance writer and editor based in the U.K. He’s a contributor to The Times (London), Esquire, Robb Report, Vogue and The South China Morning Post, among other publications. He has written on everything from space travel to financial bubbles, and art forgery to the pivotal role of donkeys in the making of civilization.

A former editor of British style magazines Arena Homme Plus and The Face, Sims is also the author of several books on style including the best-selling Icons of Men’s Style. He’s married and has two boys. His household is too damn loud.

All Articles From Josh Sims

Carbon Passports: Are We on the Eve of Seeing Travel Rationed?

Some in the tourism sector see a huge environmental benefit to limiting flights, while others see an “uproar” waiting to happen

What Online Gambling Is Doing to Our Brains and Bodies

Money down, cortisol up: Omnipresent betting is taking its toll

Inside Marrakesh’s Riads and Other Luxury Stays

The key to an authentic Moroccan experience

The Mass Delusion of Driving

Behind the wheel, we're overconfident, inattentive and over-reliant on tech. According to those who study driver behavior, instead of solving these problems, we’re making them worse.

How Scotch Distilleries Are Experimenting With Rye

There’s a history of rye in Scotland’s whiskies, but distillers need to overcome outdated regulations and ingrained perceptions

To Celebrate New Year’s, Drink a “Grower” Champagne

They’re cool, small-scale and artisanal takes on your favorite celebratory bubbles

How “Sleep Minimums” Quietly Steal Years From Our Lives

You may think you can get by on just a few hours of shut-eye, but you're doing more harm than good.

The Case for Swanky Water

Is glass-bottled, "sommelier"-approved water actually better for you?

The Man Who Could Finally Solve the Geothermal Puzzle

The huge potential of geothermal energy to meet the climate and energy crises has always been outweighed by its problems. With Eavor, John Redfern believes he’s found the solution.

What’s Lost When Robots Replace Astronauts

Questions of money, technology and risk aversion have kept humans from venturing beyond the moon. Will space exploration now be left to machines?

The Hypothetical, Tantalizing, Possibly Unprovable Reality of the Multiverse

Superhero movies have jumpstarted conversations about the multiverse, but scientists have been arguing about its existence for decades. They’re just getting started.

The Pollution That’s Quietly Sabotaging Your Life Expectancy

Why do we consider noisy living a necessary sacrifice?

The Global Pollutant We Like to Ignore

As light pollution grows, we don’t just "lose the night sky." As astronomer Connie Walker sees it, "we lose part of ourselves."

Why Women Applaud and Men Mourn the Downfall of High Heels

Are they professional attire? Confidence boosters? Mating tools? Opinions vary, but one thing's certain: high heels are losing ground.

Forget Vacations, Cruise Lines Are Now Selling Homes on the Water

"Residential ships" are the latest trend in cruising, with apartments available for sale. Will buyers bite?

The Most Exciting Whisky Event of 2023

You won't find these whiskies anywhere but at this charity auction