Take Her Word For It

A Gent's Guide to Navigating Los Angeles In Style

By Kunal
April 16, 2017 9:00 am EDT

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Think Airbnb meets high-end showroom — a modish downtown loft where guests can discover and try out a variety of different products from fancy shampoo to leather-accented bicycles, all while enjoying L.A.’s hip-hood-du-jour, the Arts District.

In your correspondent’s humble opinion, OURS is tough to beat for a staycation — yes the beach jaunt is tried and true, but variety is the proverbial épice de vie, and the Arts District reigns supreme for discoverability these days. Bars, restaurants and shops galore (you’ll find some great recos right here), events aplenty, and, you know, the art. Everywhere. Not to mention the fact that you can use your stay as an opportunity to unearth and pick up some under-the-radar gear for your crib. Two birds, one stylish stone.


OURS founder Brendon Garner on creating a stylish, comfy environment at home:

“Indulge in inspiration and trust your instincts to build your home style. Think about how you want to use the space, and begin to fill it with items that you love and share an attachment with. We advise staying away from cookie-cutter pieces, vying instead to spend the extra time to let the home grow organically.

Also, have something fun to share with guests — a home can be a beaut to look at, but if it’s not somewhere you’d actually want to hang out, don’t plan dinner parties anytime soon. Whether it’s games, a welcoming kitchen or a vinyl record setup, everyone loves to gather round and share in some fun together.”

