Inside the Wild World of Virtual Court Hearings

More people than you'd expect are showing up to their hearings naked

virtual court hearing

Judge Nikolaus Lange demonstrates a hearing via webcam in a courtroom at the Palace of Justice.

By Bonnie Stiernberg

As we all adjusted this year to the world of working remotely, we quickly became all too familiar with certain types of Zoom mishaps, like someone forgetting to mute themselves or not realizing their camera was on. Despite a few high-profile exceptions, it was mostly harmless. But when you’re attending virtual court and awaiting judgement, that bad Zoom etiquette can carry serious consequences.

A new piece in USA Today has some horror stories from judges and attorneys about the crazy behavior they’ve witnessed during online court hearings. (There’s a lot more courtroom nudity than you’d expect in non-pandemic times.) The following are some of the highlights:

Still, having to conduct hearings remotely isn’t all bad. District Judge Stephanie Pearce Burke told the publication that the remote hearings have been particularly helpful in mental health cases.

“It’s a more compassionate way of handling those dockets, and I expect we will continue to utilize remote platforms in those cases even after COVID restrictions are lifted,” she said.

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