The Holiday Gift Guide: For Your Kids

Five great gifts for the knee-highs, no matter your budget

By The Editors
December 1, 2018 9:00 am

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PixelQuest Arcade Kit for Nintendo Switch
Nyko • $20

The single greatest bang for your gifting buck: your Switch-obsessed tykes will love duking it out with friends on a makeshift arcade console. You will love helping them with the cardboard construction, and turning the typically solo game into a family affair.


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Octopus Watch v2 Motion Edition
JOY • $80

Constantly reminding your kids to brush, feed the fish and do homework? Give them the gift of autonomy (and a break from nagging) with the Octopus Watch, a whimsical timepiece that uses emoji-like icons to teach good habits .


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Populele Smart Ukulele
Popuband Music • $159

You’ve got two options here. One: Buy them a ukulele and suffer the auditory consequences. Or two: Buy them the Populele, which is a real-deal instrument, but features 72 LEDs in the fretboard and a companion app that’ll teach them how to play in Guitar Hero fashion.


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Giant Building Block System (Kids Play Pack of 50)
EverBlock Systems • $215

They’re giant Legos, basically (though not affiliated). But instead of building castles or ships or castle-ship hybrids for little hole-headed figurines, now they can build them for their own life-sized enjoyment. You can choose any hue from red to gold, but best go with the multi-color option.


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Toylander 1 Miniature Land Rover
Toylander • $5300

Chances are you don’t own an original 1948 Land Rover Series 1, but you can still bequeath one to your offspring — in miniature. Your kid’ll be king or queen of the neighborhood with the Toylander’s folding windshield, working tailgate and 5 MPH top speed. Nota bene: These can take 4-6 weeks in production, so get in touch ASAP if you want it under the tree.



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