Intel’s Planned Chip Price Increases Could Lead to Pricier Computers

The company cited inflation as a factor

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A chip price hike could have other effects as well.

By Tobias Carroll

You don’t have to be an expert in economics to take note of the fact that a lot of things are getting more expensive. The reasons for inflation are numerous and complex, but the effects are relatively easy to understand: prices that were once low are now high. Or, at least, higher. What’s especially frustrating is the ways in which inflation can have a cascading effect.

That phenomenon can be seen in action when it comes to a recent report on Intel’s plans for the coming months. As The Verge reports, Intel plans to raise prices for chips and CPUs. This could affect a large part of the computing industry, as the chips in question relate to everything from processing power to wireless connectivity.

Nikkei Asia reported on the decision and featured a statement from Intel offering some context for their plans. “Intel indicated it would increase pricing in certain segments of its business due to inflationary pressures,” the company said. “The company has begun to inform customers of these changes.”

All of this suggests that consumers can expect to see higher prices for computers in the not-so-distant future — all of which could also have an impact on holiday spending as the year draws to a close. One question that Intel’s decision raises is whether Apple’s decision to begin using its own chips will look wiser in retrospect. It’s a strange moment for personal computing, and this latest wrinkle continues that mood.

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