Andy Cochrane

As the son of two park rangers, Andy built a lot of forts as a kid. After a liberal arts undergrad and summers spent guiding whitewater trips, he moved to the Bay Area, earned an Design Strategy MBA, and worked in software for five years. He then took a flyer on an innovative kayaking startup, bringing him back home to the outdoor industry. A mid-twenties-life-crisis drove some questionable decisions, including the next five years and 200,000 miles living out of his Toyota Tacoma. He now resides in Bend, Oregon, with his partner and their two dogs, Dusty Bottoms and Bea. He works as a freelance writer, film producer and commercial adventure photographer. He contributes to the New York Times, Wired, Outside, Men's Journal and many other publications, and has been fortunate to work on assignments for brands big and small including Alaska Air, Toyota, GoPro and Patagonia. You can find him on Instagram @andrewfitts

All Articles From Andy Cochrane

A Father-Son Canoe Trip Through the Grand Canyon of Canada

Only 300 people paddle the Nahanni each year, which meant our small crew of paddlers had 135 miles of wild river to ourselves

100 Miles in a Day: The Western States in Photos

Adventure photographer Andy Cochrane shoots the infamous ultra

What’s It Like to Run for Nike…While Coaching High Schoolers?

Professional ultrarunner Tyler Green on how he prepares for race day, and helps others do the same

What It’s Like to Run the Nakasendō, Japan’s Ancient Postal Route

The highs and lows of running from Kyoto to Tokyo with a pair of Olympians

Three Pro Photographers Share Gear Tips for Shooting on the Go

How best to capture your once-in-a-lifetime trips

Planning a Trip to Peru? Skip Machu Picchu.

If you like authentic food, conversations with locals and real cultural experiences, we have something better for you.