You Can Now Play Video Games on Your Peloton

With some exclusive David Bowie remixes to boot


Lanebreak in action.

By Tobias Carroll

Last summer, Peloton announced that it was developing a new dimension to your regular exercise routine. Blending video games and home fitness isn’t necessarily a new thing; Nintendo released a number of fitness-themed games over the years, including Wii Fit. Peloton’s entry into this space, called Lanebreak, was pitched as an alternative to its more traditional classes.

And now it’s here.

As Axios reports, Lanebreak is now widely available to Peloton users. According to an announcement from Peloton, Lanebreak can be accessed via the “More Rides” menu — and among the music you can select for it are the fitness platform’s exclusive David Bowie remixes.

Details on gameplay include the fact that it centers around Moments, which fall into three categories: Beats, Breakers and Streams. With the first of these, the player will earn points for being in the correct lane, while the others involve output and cadence while riding. Players will earn points for the Moments that they complete, and can see how they did relative to other players who competed at the same difficulty level.

Lanebreak has been a long time in coming, but it feels like a logical next step for Peloton. It doesn’t hurt that the game’s retro look is appealing — does anyone else get a slight Arkanoid vibe? — while still feeling high-tech.

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