Airbnb’s New “Live Anywhere” Program Will Allow 12 Very Lucky Individuals to Do Exactly That … For Free

In the name of R&D, a dozen digital nomads will be getting their living expenses covered to live anywhere in the world

A Forest Haven

A Forest Haven

By Lindsay Rogers

If you both work remotely and spend any amount of time perusing rental properties for sport, you’re going to want to hear this: Airbnb is currently in pursuit of candidates with aspirations to live nomadically for their “Live Anywhere on Airbnb” program. Like the name implies, the new initiative will allow 12 individuals to live in Airbnb properties anywhere in the world for an entire year, in exchange only for feedback on the experience.

Inspired by an Airbnb report that found 74 percent of consumers showing “interest in living someplace other than where their employer is based after the pandemic,” the initiative is meant to appeal to a variety of candidates including “young families to remote workers, creatives and empty nesters,” all in an effort to fine-tune their current long-term-stay offering.

“We will ask that they share their experiences with us to help inform future product upgrades and innovations on the platform to better accommodate nomadic living,” a release on the company website says. “Airbnb will cover the cost of accommodations and provide an allowance for transportation for the duration of the program.”

All of the participants will be selected to stay in an Airbnb of their choosing — with some assistance from the platform, if necessary — from July 2021-July 2022. During that time, they will receive between $24,000 and $48,000 in Airbnb credits, with the number of companions being the determining factor (each participant will be allowed up to three guests). In addition, participants will be afforded the opportunity to list their primary residence on the platform for the duration of the program for a chance at a little extra (or maybe even a lot of extra) income. At the conclusion of their stay, all will be expected to provide detailed feedback on certain aspects such as product changes and resources, accommodation types and financial benefits. And thats it.

Intrigued? Same. Applications are open now until June 30. Candidates will be chosen by a panel in September and expected to travel come July. Obviously you will need a passport to apply, but other than that — may the odds be ever in your favor!

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