
Kids Raised by Same-Sex Couples Perform Better in Schools: Study

Research finds the typically higher socioeconomic status of same-sex parents plays a key role.

Your Favorite Classic Car, Remade as a Go-Kart

Do you have a kid? Do you want to spoil them?

Science Found a Way to Determine If Your Boy Is a Nerd

Is he the next Zuckerberg? Consult the 'Geek Index.'

Kids Who Care About Planet Earth Drive Pint-Sized McLaren P1s

What's 100% electric and pre-programmed with nursery rhymes?

Kid Trolls ESPN Cameras With Some Face-Making for the Ages

Plus: Convincing evidence he was inspired by Tom Brady

The InsideHook Newsletter.

News, advice and insights for the most interesting person in the room.

Kids Raised by Same-Sex Couples Perform Better in Schools: Study

Research finds the typically higher socioeconomic status of same-sex parents plays a key role.

Your Favorite Classic Car, Remade as a Go-Kart

Do you have a kid? Do you want to spoil them?

Science Found a Way to Determine If Your Boy Is a Nerd

Is he the next Zuckerberg? Consult the 'Geek Index.'

Kids Who Care About Planet Earth Drive Pint-Sized McLaren P1s

What's 100% electric and pre-programmed with nursery rhymes?

Kid Trolls ESPN Cameras With Some Face-Making for the Ages

Plus: Convincing evidence he was inspired by Tom Brady