Frequent Adam Sandler Collaborator Peter Dante Flips Out After Being Asked to Wear a Mask

The actor was caught on video throwing a tantrum after being denied entry

Peter Dante in "The Waterboy"

Peter Dante in "The Waterboy."

By Bonnie Stiernberg

Over the course of the pandemic, we’ve seen and heard countless stories of people throwing tantrums after being asked to wear a mask in public. This latest example, however, involves someone you may recognize: as TMZ reports, character actor and frequent Adam Sandler collaborator Peter Dante recently flipped out on an LA hostess after being denied entry to a restaurant for refusing to wear a mask inside.

The incident with the Waterboy actor was caught on video on Monday night. Dante was trying to get a table at Quarters Korean BBQ in Los Angeles when he was met with a “No Mask, No Entry” sign, which prompted him to fly off the handle.

“You know you’re garbage right?” Dante said to the hostess, later calling her a “cunt.” “Go back to the, fuck, you go back to school. Where’s your boss? Yeah, where’s your boss? Bring your boss over here right now.”

After the manager confirmed that he would not be allowed in the restaurant without a mask on, Dante reportedly left “without futher incident.” This all comes just a few months after he was arrested back in September for allegedly threatening to kill his neighbor over construction noise. He was charged with a felony-level offense and posted $50,000 bail; he’s due to appear in court next week.

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