All the Lawn Games You’re Missing Are Up to 70% Off

Including golf cornhole, croquet and other backyard favorites

Lawn games from cornhole to croquet are 70% off at Wayfair.

Lawn games from cornhole to croquet are 70% off at Wayfair.

By Alex Lauer

Please note: If you buy through the links in this article, we may earn a small share of the profits.

Are you a cornhole person or a croquet person? A proponent of disc golf or ladder golf? The debate about the best lawn game can get as heated as the backyard diversions themselves. (We should know, our EIC once crushed dissent and published the definitive ranking.)

On the other hand, the smart host knows that different company calls for different activities. So stock up for the BBQs and long weekends ahead with Wayfair’s sale on lawn games, where you can take up to 70% off lawn bowling, giant connect four and even those inflatable bubble suits.

(Beer Pong Golf)

The Original Golf Cornhole
Also known as Beer Pong Golf, this is the best lawn game you haven’t played yet.

13-Piece Wooden Lawn Bowling Set
Take up to 70% off this set, available in six colors and made of New Zealand pine.

Professional Disc Golf Set
Take 46% off a regulation target and six discs, from drivers to putters.

Six-Person Croquet Set
Grab six mallets, six balls, nine wickets, two stakes and a case for 69% off.

Metal Ladderball
You say ladderball, I say ladder golf, my teenage cousin says testicle toss. But the bolas here are plastic so you won’t put anyone’s eye out.

Giant Connect Four
Surely your nieces and nephews, or your drunk uncle, can figure this out.

Thunder Bubble Inflatables
Add these to a friendly game of soccer and you can wallop your friends and family without consequence.

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