Tucker Carlson Tries to Explain Remarks that Made Advertisers Flee

The Fox News host is claiming a "mischaracterization" of his comments.

tucker carlson tapes

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson is under fire again. (Michael S. Schwartz/Getty Images)

By Ariel Scotti

Tucker Carlson used his platform on Fox News Wednesday evening to try and add context to his ill-received “dirty” immigrant comments.

He said on Tucker Carlson Tonight that critics took what he said out of context, according to Variety.

“I would never describe people as ‘dirty’,” he said, noting that people who are “mischaracterizing” what he said “are always welcome on the show to talk it through.”

The commercial breaks during the broadcast appeared to contain a heavier dose of Fox News promos and only a handful of commercials from larger advertisers.

So far, SanDisk, Samsung, SodaStream, Pfizer Inc., IHOP, Nautilus Inc.’s Bowflex, Ancestry.com, NerdWallet, Indeed.com and Pacific Life Insurance are among those who have appeared to pull their commercials from Carlson’s show.

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