A 51-Foot Joint Is Going to the DNC

Wait but why?

A 51-Foot Joint Is Going to the DNC

A 51-Foot Joint Is Going to the DNC

By Rebecca Klar

After the RNC brought us Ted Cruz getting booed off stage, a remix of the presumptive First Lady’s speech  and this unfortunate photo, there is no question about what we’re most excited for at next week’s Democratic National Convention: the memes.

And thanks to some creative marijuana activists, it looks like we’ve already got our first candidate.

The group plans to march a 51-foot faux joint through Philadelphia from City Hall right up to the Convention at the Wells Fargo Center next week. According to the Philly Voice, the massive joint-shaped balloon is more or less a horizontal version of those annoying inflatable airdancers you see outside car dealerships.

Unlike some RNC protests that ended pretty violently, the marijuana activists want to keep their demonstration peaceful.

“We wanted to do a protest that’s fun,” activist Nikki Allan Poe told the Voice. “Marijuana can unite this country. We’re the New America. We want to be heard, with a message of peace, compassion and care for the people.”

Having already been used at events in the Nation’s capital and New York City, the blow up joint will make its Philadelphia debut on July 25th during a DCMJ event around 1 or 2 P.M.

The party is set to discuss their stance on removing marijuana from the Controlled Substance Act (h/t Bernie Sanders) on July 26th, with a vote to follow on the 27th.

Photo via: Flickr 

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