There’s A Global “Game of Thrones” Scavenger Hunt Going On

Iron thrones have been hidden around the world.

Game of Thrones Season 7


By Chase Hill

Game of Thrones fans looking to kill time before the final season airs on HBO can take part in a global GoT scavenger hunt to find the iron throne- or at least one of six placed around the world.

HBO hid six iron thrones, which are actually made with real swords, around the globe. As in, thrones in Sweden, England, Spain, and Brazil.

The network offers little-to-no clues as to the whereabouts of the thrones, but has posted images of the full-sized thrones on social media as well as video on the “For The Throne” website.

“For seven seasons you’ve watched characters lie, bleed, and sacrifice for the Iron Throne,” HBO wrote on the show’s site. “As the final season approaches, only one question remains: How far will you go?”

Fans are going pretty far– posting pictures on social media from Spain and Sweden while sitting on the legendary King’s Landing throne.

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