Playboy Has An Exclusive James Bond Origin Story

It’s not 007’s first time in the magazine.

james bond origin

Playboy Magazine is sharing a new James Bond origin story. (Playboy/Dynamite Comics via Twitter)

By Chase Hill

Playboy Magazine has the James Bond origin story, and it may surprise you.

In March of 1960, Ian Fleming’s tales of the handsome 007 agent were first published in Playboy Magazine. Fleming was a frequent guest at Chicago’s Playboy Building and became well known around the offices.

The James Bond character has gone on to beat the bad guy, get the girl, and save the world — all while dressed like a dashing Hollywood heartthrob and raking in millions at the box office.

But where did Bond, James Bond, come from? Playboy Magazine has a new 007 origin story, created by the team at Dynamite Comics, that sheds light on the secret agent’s unknown past.

Visit Playboy’s site to read the new, exclusive installment in the James Bond comic series.

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