Help a Pro Skier Crowdfund a Super Bowl Ad for Climate Change

Dilly dilly!

Help a Pro Skier Crowdfund a Super Bowl Ad for Climate Change

Help a Pro Skier Crowdfund a Super Bowl Ad for Climate Change

By Tanner Garrity

The Trump Administration is due to drop “climate change” from a list of national-security threats later today, according to reports. President Obama had previously labeled it one of the major threats to the safety and wellbeing of our country.

Meaning: If you care about the health of the planet, it appears you’ll have to get the word out yourself. And there’s no better way to get the word out in America than a Super Bowl commercial.

Enter pro skier Julian Carr, who just launched a Kickstarter campaign to air a Super Bowl ad on climate change for immediate and widespread consumption by the American people.

Despite a near-consensus that climate change is a horrifying reality that will only deteriorate going forward, massive swaths of America refuse to accept it — even as natural disasters ravage the country in increasingly creative ways. Carr plans to highlight the 110 tons of manmade pollution dumped into the atmosphere every 24 hours, along with the harrowing, inevitable retreat of our beloved coastlines.

But before he can convince ignorant skeptical folks (around 46% of the population believes that humans don’t contribute to global warming) to come around to reason, Carr needs to get on their screens. Super Bowl ads come with a serious price tag: $5.5 million, to be exact. Carr has raised $30K thus far, with just one week left.

While he likely won’t succeed (Leo, are you reading this? We need some help!), it’s a brilliant idea that should be attempted year after year until something sticks. There’s great irony in broadcasting a rally cry against human excess during one of the most excessive spectacles on planet Earth.

But that just might be the point.

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