Inside the Secret Bisexual Sex Party That’s Women-Only

The closest a guy can get to this is hearing about it.



By Diana Crandall

Bisexual and bicurious women are finally getting a space to play — and men aren’t invited.

A Cosmopolitan reporter recently went to a sex party in Manhattan put on by Skirt Club, a members-only society of 11,000 women around the world who want to experiment with other women. Many of these women are in heterosexual relationships, Alix Tunell writes, but want to explore another side of themselves.

“It was infinitely better than it’s ever been with a man because—surprise!— everyone at Skirt Club understands the clitoris,” Tunell reports, and her positive afterglow wasn’t just from her intense experience. “Hating my thighs, judging women for theirs, and feeling like a slut for wanting sex as much as men feels boring now, after the surreal night at Skirt Club.”

So why aren’t men invited, exactly? Founder Genevieve LeJeune told Cosmo that sex parties for bi women often turn into performative outings for their male partner to enjoy, their own experience getting lost in the process.

“Almost every time I met a bi woman [at a sex party], it was her boyfriend edging her on to do something for him to watch or indulge in,” LeJeune told Cosmo. “I thought, How do you really explore your sexuality if you’re constantly performing for someone else?’”

Sorry, guys. You’ll just have to sit this one out.

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