Dog Travels Across Most of Switzerland to Reunite With Family

Traveling 100 miles is no small feat for human or dog


Geneva, Switzerland.

By Tobias Carroll

Switzerland might not be the largest of countries, but traveling across it on foot is still an impressive achievement. It’s even more of an impressive achievement if you happen to be a dog — and, wouldn’t you know it, a 14-year-old dog aptly named Lucky accomplished the impressive feat of traversing the 100 miles from Bern to Geneva in an attempt to reunite with her family.

A report at The Guardian has more details on Lucky’s trip — think one part The Incredible Journey, one part Heidi.

Several things worked out in Lucky’s favor, both in terms of her initial escape and her attempts to link up with her humans. These include a hole in the fence at the kennel where her family had boarded her and the fact that Lucky had been microchipped, which aided local authorities in identifying her once she’d made her way back to the Geneva area.

Unfortunately for Lucky, her family wasn’t actually there — they were in Berlin, where the Geneva authorities reached them and notified them of Lucky’s trip.

The article quotes Lucky’s owner, Jennifer Wagner, who believes that someone may have helped transport Lucky for part of the hundred-mile journey. As of now, only Lucky knows the answer to that, and she’s not talking.

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