Tim Sommer

All Articles From Tim Sommer

How Mark E. Smith Changed the Face of Post-Punk Forever

The frontman for The Fall takes a final bow, but his furied legacy lives on.

Grammys 2018: Where the Revolutionary Meets the Irrelevant

Kendrick Lamar and Daddy Yankee were the low-lights of this year's telecast.

Lana Del Rey/Radiohead Dispute Shows Why Major Labels Fail

Del Rey's team should have known "Get Free" sounds like "Creep."

A Tribute to France Gall’s Rainbow Body of Pop

From Eurovision to Psychedilia and Serge Gainsbourg, the singer led a life of style.

The Beach Boys Are Better Than the Beatles

RCLife's Tim Sommer prefers the Beach Boys for the "goosebump factor" in their music.

‘Johnny Depp Dropped Acid in My Office’

In 1993, a record executive watched in awe and terror while Depp climbed out his office window.

The Music of 2017: Reflections on Memory and Miracles

These albums and artists made this year remarkable.

How Mediocre Bands Get Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

A former record executive explains why Dire Straits will be inducted next year, but not Radiohead.

Rock’n’Roll Won’t Die, No Matter What U2 Says

The music industry as we knew is gone, but rock will survive.

Is ‘Springsteen on Broadway’ Worth the Money?

It's going to cost you and a friend $8,000 on average to see "The Boss" in the Big Apple.