Hike in the Rain With Herschel’s New Water-Resistant Bag Collection

River crossing? You got this.

Hike in the Rain With Herschel’s New Water-Resistant Bag Collection

Hike in the Rain With Herschel’s New Water-Resistant Bag Collection

By Tanner Garrity

Who can say for sure which company was the first to bring back the lash tab and slap it on a backpack? Seemingly overnight, every satchel around had adopted that slashed leather square.

One definite face of the movement: Vancouver-based knapsackers Herschel Supply Company, which makes their newest offering, a decidedly lash tab-less collab with footwear designer Kim Kiroic, unrecognizable in a very refreshing way.  

The line is called KKtP (the name of Kiroic’s design house) and includes a strap-copious backpack called the Retreat, a boxier, smaller option called the Rolltop and a messenger bag called the Odell Messenger. Improving on previous offerings that were built a bit more for the city than the mountains, the KKtP packs are made from water-resistant polycoat fabric, with generous storage options, pack-down capabilities and a new (rubber) tab bringing it all home.

The packs come in bright blue, white and gray, but we really like the all black.  

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