Deal: Don’t Miss This Rare Sitewide Sale on Finex Cast Iron

Including skillets, Dutch ovens and grill pans with features you won’t get anywhere else

A cast-iron grill pan, skillet and Dutch oven from Finex

Finex doesn't throw sales often, so don't miss your chance to pick up some 21st century cast iron.

By Alex Lauer

Please note: If you buy through the links in this article, we may earn a small share of the profits.

On the whole, cast-iron cookware can seem stuck in the past — some brands more than others — as many of the skillets on sale today look roughly the same as they did 100 years ago. But if you want a truly modern cast-iron pan, then you need something from Finex, and you need to pick it up this week as the company is throwing a rare sitewide sale with prices up to 20% off

What makes Finex different? You don’t need me to tell you; all it takes is a glance at the cast-iron skillets, grill pans and Dutch ovens to show how they stand out from the pack. The classic pans are octagonal, which means you have eight pours spouts instead of two (or none), and the entire lineup features coiled stainless-steel handles, which helps dissipate the heat compared to traditional cast iron. Plus, these pans are made right here in the U.S.

If you’re overwhelmed with the options here, since pretty much everything is available at a discount (no code needed), what should you get? We recently featured both the classic skillet (which you should get with a lid) and the versatile cast-iron presses (available flat or with grill marks) in our Father’s Day gift guide, so you can’t go wrong there. But since we are in prime grilling season, their grill pans will serve you particularly well this summer.

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