Wild Turkey Introduces Whiskey Barpack for Turkey Trot

Wild Turkey Bourbon whiskey whisky

The Barpack!

By Carl Caminetti

Turkey is the official bird of Thanksgiving, so it would make sense if some people decided that Wild Turkey was the bourbon they toasted to being thankful for health, happiness, whiskey and stuffing.

That’s where the Wild Turkey 101 Old Fashioned Barpack comes in. It’s a chance for Lawrenceburg, Kentucky’s favorite brand to truly stamp its name into the holiday once and for all. It features a standing bar to mix on, Wild Turkey 101 Bourbon, Angostura Bitters, Powell & Mahoney Simple Syrup, glassware and the tools you need to stir up your drink with all to make your backyard football game or hanging with your family just a tad bit easier.

But what about the Turkey Trot you maybe plan on going on? Can the Wild Turkey Barpack help out in that? Well, I’m glad you asked. The answer is in order to unlock the magic of the Barpack, you have to show up to one of the trots in either New Orleans, Austin or Chicago to try and claim one.

Of course, there’s enough of a chance you drank too much Wild Turkey or something else last night and want nothing to do with getting up early and trotting. That’s why we’re telling you this: because maybe, just maybe, if we can get people demanding the Barpacks then we can make the handy bar backpack into a tradition. Lord knows we’re all going to need a drink or seven before this holiday season is over.

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