Why You Need a Giant Smokestack Fireplace for Grilling

This fireplace from Amsterdam-based designer Frederik Roijé will tower over your BBQ rivals.

Why You Need a Giant Smokestack Fireplace for Grilling

Why You Need a Giant Smokestack Fireplace for Grilling

By Tanner Garrity

Some might consider installing a grill in a giant outdoor fireplace a bit self-indulgent. Like combining croissants with donuts. Or putting Kevin Durant on the Golden State Warriors.

But obviously, we’re not complaining.

Standing 6’6″ tall and looking a bit like a Dickensian chimney for your backyard, the Smokestack Fireplace from Amsterdam-based designer Frederik Roijé was already a triumphant fixture. But his post-production addition — a four-pound stainless steel grill, which was handmade in the Netherlands and tailored specifically for this fireplace — is a victory cigar of the highest order.

It might not be the best choice for muscling out 30 hot dogs on July 4th, fair, but the grate is slots in easily��for cooking up some veggies or a pizza and slides out easily for a quick clean, all while complementing its fiery papa.

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