If You Like Sustainable Architecture, Welcome to Your Utopia

Honey, grab the kids. We're moving to Turkey.'

If You Like Sustainable Architecture, Welcome to Your Utopia

If You Like Sustainable Architecture, Welcome to Your Utopia

By Alex Lauer

Walking through the city of Antalya, Turkey, you’ll undoubtedly witness architectural remnants of the Ottoman and Roman empires.

But as this thriving tourist destination between the Mediterranean Sea and Taurus Mountains steps into the modern era, it’s moving away from intricate stonework and towards sustainability. And the latest large-scale architectural project might be even easier on the eyes than Hadrian’s Gate.

AHK KNDU 1 (4 images)

Called the AHK KNDU villas, a development spearheaded by Global Architectural Development (GAD), the project will comprise of over 100 residences once completed. Situated on an eight acre plot of land 12 miles from the city center, each “villa” will include integrated energy-producing photovoltaic panels and garden areas, putting the development on track to be one of the most “efficient structures in the country,” according to Designboom.

And the folding wooden outer shell? More than aesthetics. The break in the roof facilitates ventilation, the strategic timber covering regulates temperature and the warped shape was designed to increase access to daylight.

AHK KNDU 2 (5 images)

As Designboom notes, “When complete, the development will include 17 large, 56 medium and 50 small housing units.”

Grab the kids and the dog. Time for a change of scenery.

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