Is the Stingray the First Sexy Nonstick Pan?

It’s the first pan from Kickstarter favorite Edge of Belgravia

The Stingray nonstick pan collection is available now on Kickstarter.

The Stingray nonstick pan collection is available now on Kickstarter.

By Alex Lauer

Nonstick pans are not — in any way, shape or form — sexy. They’re convenient, obviously, but unlike cast iron or stainless steel, there’s no passion in a possibly toxic, scratched-to-hell nonstick skillet. And if there’s one thing Americans could stand to be more passionate about, it’s home cooking.

The Stingray collection, currently 270% funded on Kickstarter, is here to rectify that.

The new nonstick contender is from Edge of Belgravia, a London-based kitchenware company that holds the record for the most-backed knife Kickstarter in history. We’ve tested (and been impressed by) their wares before, so we got our hands on a Stingray to see if their cooking prowess extends to the stove.

First off, what pushed this pan to almost triple its original funding goal? The answer is twofold: sexy design and a brand-new nonstick formula.

As the name suggests, the shape takes after the aquatic creatures with a larger-than-average cooking surface and sharp handle. But previous backers of Edge of Belgravia’s campaigns will recognize throwback elements; the lightning-bolt shaped handle draws from the ergonomic Shiroi Hana knives and the double-hexagon pan is a riff on the Teak Star cutting boards. It won silver at the 2018 International Design Awards and will instantly rank among your most interesting gear in your kitchen.

The brand-new, professional-grade nonstick formula is courtesy of Swiss company ILAG, and the Stingray is the first pan to feature it. ILAG claims it lasts three to five times longer than comparable pans, and offers similar scratch resistance.

The Stingray pans are funding on Kickstarter until April 30th. (Edge of Belgravia)

But these claims of ergonomic design and best-in-class coating haven’t been thoroughly tested by unbiased parties, so we took it upon ourselves to put the Stingray through the wringer. After a couple weeks of scrambling eggs, flipping coconut pancakes, cooking proteins and reheating leftovers, here are our takeaways:



Check out Edge of Belgravia’s full pitch in the Kickstarter video:

We’d recommend pledging at least at the $155 level if you’re interested, because that way you’ll get one glass lid (for the 12-inch pan), along with the actual 12-inch pan, a 10-inch pan and silicone spatula. But there are 8-inch pans available as well, which are available in a few of the nine Kickstarter reward packages. All are set to deliver in November.

As always, the traditional Kickstarter caveats apply. You are helping crowdfund a campaign, not buying a product directly, so back at your own risk.

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