World’s Biggest Underwater Cave Discovered in Mexico

Check out this footage of divers in the cave.

One of the entrances to the Sac Actun cave system

One of the entrances to the Sac Actun cave system. (Wikipedia)

By Rebecca Gibian

A group of divers has found a connection between two underwater caves in eastern Mexico. This discovery reveals what is believed to be the biggest flooded cave in the world and could potentially shed new light on the ancient Maya civilization. The Gran Acuifero Maya (GAM), a project dedicated to the study and preservation of the Yucatan peninsula, said that the cave was identified after months of exploring a maze of underwater channels. The cave is 216 miles long and contains the cave system known as the Sac Actun as well as the Dos Ojos system. According to CBC, GAM director and underwater archeologist Guillermo de Anda told Reuters the discovery “allows us to appreciate much more clearly how the rituals, the pilgrimage sites and ultimately the great pre-Hispanic settlements that we know emerged.” The Yucatan peninsula is full of relics of the Maya people and descendants continue to inhabit the region to this day. Check out the footage of the cave below.

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