Too Soon? Read the Insane Seinfeld Spec Script About 9/11

Kramer: “You remember my crazy friend Mo Atta?”

Too Soon? Read the Insane Seinfeld Spec Script About 9/11

Too Soon? Read the Insane Seinfeld Spec Script About 9/11

By Kirk Miller

How would four shallow, acerbic New Yorkers act in the days following the attacks of 9/11?

Pretty much the same, it turns out.

Comedian Billy Domineau, a New York sketch comic and a former freelance writer for SNL’s Weekend Update, just uploaded a spec script for Seinfeld that takes place just days after September 11, 2001.

As Domineau wrote on Facebook, “I’ve written a Seinfeld spec script. It’s called The Twin Towers. Yep. It’s a 9/11 episode. This is what I do with my time now. Please join me on this journey deep into the subconscious of the multi-cam sitcom.”

He later told Sean McCarthy of The Comic’s Comic that he “was helping someone write a sketch a few months back and told them theirs needed to be an exercise in bad taste, ‘Like imagine if there was a 9/11 episode of Seinfeld… Wait a minute.”

Seinfeld went off the air in 1998, thankfully sparing us the following:

If anything, the script proves that our favorite terrible people would remain, well, unfazed by world events.

You can read the entire script here.

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