Adult Swim

Adult Swim

Adult Swim

By The Editors

Time was, you had to hide your nudie mags underneath the mattress.

Or delete your browser history, ‘cause … shame.

But there is no shame in beauty, friends.

Because now we have a men’s magazine worthy of display: Polanski, available now for quick order.

Started by a Brooklyn artist/photog (and borne out of a Tumblr account), the questionably titled Polanski delivers a lot of content and a little of clothing over its 156 pages.

Articles: almost none, save for photography/model credits and a few random slogans (“Made for Michelob”) and excerpts (a page from a softcore movie script, a Wiki-style entry on clean water).

Otherwise: just pictures of young, soft, pouty-lipped ladies in various states of undress.

Like this:

So, it’s artsy. Often black and white. A worthwhile print analogue to Instagram (BTW, theirs is great).

Buyer beware: these limited-edition mags go quickly (order online, though you can find a few in specialty stores like Mohawk in LA or C’H’C’M’ in NYC).

Happy Monday.

Nota bene: We’d be remiss if we didn’t also mention another favorite magazine in our office: Treats!, which, among other wonderful things, first brought Emily Ratajkowski to Robin Thicke’s attention.

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