The Argument for Skipping the New ‘Star Wars’ Trailer

Consider this a trailer for the teaser for the trailer

The Argument for Skipping the New ‘Star Wars’ Trailer

The Argument for Skipping the New ‘Star Wars’ Trailer

By Kirk Miller

Important: tickets for Star Wars: The Last Jedi go on sale right after the full trailer debuts Monday night during the Bears/Vikings game on ESPN.

The latest sequel, directed by Rian Johnson (Looper), opens on December 15th. Cool.

Somewhat important: Johnson doesn’t necessarily want you to see that trailer, claiming it gives away too much — which movie studios claim the people want. We don’t.

Not important: there’s also a teaser trailer — well, actually teaser trailers, plural — for the trailer out now (“Breathe … just breathe.”), which shows you nothing.

Unlike the actual trailer, which apparently shows everything.

Advice: Put down your phone, go outside. And breathe.

Use The Force if necessary.

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