New Device Turns Netflix Characters Into Personal Trainers

New Device Turns Netflix Characters Into Personal Trainers

By Matthew Reitman

Netflix is pitching a new type of binge marathon.

The video streaming service company has released a how-to guide for building a gadget that turns characters from its original shows, like Pablo Escobar from Narcos or Red from Orange is the New Black, into digital personal trainers that give motivational quotes, Mashable reports.

Connected via Bluetooth, the accelerometer in smartphones and tablets tells the Netflix gadget how a workout is going. Slow down, and Frank Underwood or any of the other 13 characters will give a short pep talk. Stop completely, and the Netflix app pauses whatever video is playing.


The personal trainer gadget was born out of the video streaming company’s “Make It” initiative, which has produced other Netflix-related gadgets like the “mind-control device.”

To build the Arduino-based device, there’s some assembly required and a bit of coding know-how involved as well. For those interested, Netflix laid it out in a simple step-by-step manual.


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