The Mueller Report Is Now a Podcast

The 448-page report is transformed by episodic audio

Mueller podcast

Pictured: Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) reading the Mueller report out loud (Photo: Nicholas Kamm/Getty Images)

By Kirk Miller

Whatever your thoughts on the Mueller Report, odds are you didn’t actually read the whole thing.

Actually, a CNN poll in May reported that three in four Americans hadn’t read any of it, and only 3% of us had read the whole thing (or, really 3% of us are lying). Fortunately, Montana resident Dan Williams has turned the 448-page document into something we know you have enjoyed in the last few months: a podcast.

“I saw some pre-order versions of an audiobook set to sell for $25 at the time,” Williams told Fortune. Realizing it was simply a public record, he set about turning it into what’s become a 39-part podcast series, available on any of your normal favorite podcast sites. “It’s not like taking Harry Potter and reading it — anybody could do it,” he noted.

So far, it’s been a modest success: It’s the 53rd most popular listen on Stitcher, ahead of entries by Vox and even the popular comedy broadcast “Who Did This Get Made?”

Need more incentive to listen? The podcasts feature no ads (an early Indiegogo campaign helped fund it). As the Mueller podcast site explains: “For many of us, sitting down to read through the entire report page-by-page is unrealistic. Making this available in an audio format, without biased political commentary, is my goal. Because of the wide public interest in the document, I also believe it should be available for free for anyone who is unable to pay for it.”

And, unlike the audiobook version or the best-selling but very dry hardcover, the podcast is easily digestible.

“If a person spends a half hour a day listening — while they do dishes, while they mow the lawn — they can just take 30 minutes a day and have it done in a month,” Williams told Fortune.

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