Report: Ghislaine Maxwell First NYC Federal Prisoner to Meet With Lawyer Since Pandemic Began

Why the meeting was allowed remains unknown

Metropolitan Detention Center

The Metropolitan Detention Center in New York City.

By Tobias Carroll

Earlier this summer, Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested; Maxwell is currently in federal prison in Brooklyn. It turns out that Maxwell has achieved an unexpected distinction: she’s the first federal prisoner located in New York City to meet with their legal team in person since the pandemic began.

That information comes via a report in the New York Daily News. According to the article, Maxwell’s attorney Christian R. Everdell arrived at the federal prison on Friday, accompanied by a woman carrying legal documents. They were able to enter, something lawyers for other people incarcerated there have not yet been able to do.

When asked about this, Susan Marcus, a lawyer with several clients in the same federal prison, expressed frustration. “I’m incredulous really that she was the first one when there are those of us who have been waiting for nearly six months to have an in-person visit with our clients,” Marcus said.

Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Justin Long noted that “in general, legal visits are suspended,” though he also stated that “case-by-case accommodations will be accomplished.”

According to a source who spoke with the Daily News, Maxwell is the first prisoner in either Manhattan or Brooklyn to receive an in-person legal visit since the pandemic began. As for why an exception was made in her case — the answer to that remains to be seen.

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