Can You Charge Your EV While Driving? Michigan Has a Plan to Do Just That.

As ambitious a plan as you're likely to see


Michigan has an ambitious plan for EV charging.

By Tobias Carroll

What if you didn’t have to stop to refuel your car along your next road trip or daily commute? If you’re driving an electric vehicle in Michigan in the very near future, that might well be a reality.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently announced a bold initiative for a state historically known for its automotive innovation. The Detroit Free Press reports that the plan — known as the Inductive Vehicle Charging Pilot — was announced this week at Motor Bella.

This project is slated to start small: the initial test will take place on one mile of road, with the state Department of Transportation set to issue a Request for Proposals on September 28. And they’re not the only state exploring a future where charging is possible as you drive; Indiana is also looking into something similar.

Should these initiatives work, it could be something of a game changer. Currently, this nation’s system of highways, parkways and turnpikes is built with gas-powered vehicles in mind. That’s entirely understandable, given the history of automobiles around the world. But it’s also led to a sticking point when it comes to getting drivers to start using electric vehicles: charging infrastructure. As of now, it’s a lot faster to fill up a tank of gas than it is to completely recharge a vehicle. And while that’s changing, it’s still a stumbling block for some drivers.

There are ways around this, including an Audi plan to turn charging stations into something akin to airport lounges. But Michigan’s plan — which echoes technology being tested in France and Sweden — might well be the most elegant solution. Why stop for charging at all if you can fill up as you make your trip?

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